we are aspiory
Change + Develop + Perform
How we think and feel drives how we perform
We believe that the way people think and feel in the workplace is inextricably linked to their workplace contribution, and their quality of life.
It shapes their attitudes to membership of a team, it influences buy-in to the goals of the organisation, and governs the effort and energy that they apply to their roles.
Aspiory works in two spheres: the development of teams and individuals, and consulting with organisations. The two spheres can be strongly linked.
We work with our clients to ensure a better fit between an organisation’s strategic goals and the knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits they will need to attain them.
In our ‘five-sided approach to change’, we design and implement smart change programmes that look comprehensively at the requirement for change and the necessary steps to make it stick. In our ‘empathy project’, we help you to develop an improved ability to understand how clients, colleagues and suppliers are thinking and feeling and how best to act in order that strategic objectives are met.
We can work with you to reduce workplace stress and allow concentration on value-adding thinking and behaviour. We can help your teams to develop. We can help your organisations to acquire and share capability for thinking, communicating and understanding. We can help your people to work better towards common goals and objectives.
Please look at our ‘services’ and ‘about us’ pages to read further about what we do, how we do it, and how it might help you.