Developmental partnerships
The development of the human capital of an organisation is fundamental to securing its livelihood, its capability to survive and thrive.
“Developing partnerships to help your organisation thrive”
We can work with clients – individuals, teams and organisations – to produce and then help implement development plans to best secure competitive capability.
These projects can be broad, where we work generically with an organisation to produce developmental strategies for the organisation, or more strictly defined, where a particular piece of development is required.
They might have long-term horizons, where we partner an organisation, a leader, or stakeholders over years, or indeed decades, to discuss and develop strategies to maintain competitive advantage; or shorter-term, where immediate change is needed to overcome an issue.
Broad projects might include an organisational development remit, covering a swathe of themes from leadership development to team building, cultural development, capability development, structural improvement or process improvement.
More narrow projects might focus on a single aspect, for example recruitment and selection, training and development, or reduction of workforce churn or absenteeism.
Partnerships might involve, for example, longer-term training, recruitment, performance management and coaching programmes to develop capabilities for cognitive awareness, emotional intelligence and resilience, and then work over time to ensure that new behaviours don’t slip, old habits aren’t re-engaged, old cultural norms don’t reappear.
We might work with the client to assess what kind of a programme would be beneficial, and then design a series of training sessions where concepts of good practice may be discussed and debated, to see if they have relevance or value in the current scenario. Group training, group relations exercises, or group debate sessions can be followed up with individual coaching, to further develop and secure knowledge, attitudes, skills and habits.
We can provide group relations workshops or more complex group relations development programmes. These are designed to help clients examine group dynamics, raise awareness over attitudes, cultures, habitual ways of thinking, feeling and behaving that can sometimes not be helpful.