Team dynamics and role consultancy
Sometimes things don’t quite feel right within a team. Sometimes, it feels difficult operating as a group, things don’t quite fit together, communication becomes difficult and misrepresentation and misunderstanding become commonplace.
“building better team dynamics”
Common dysfunctional patters in groups might be entrenched conflict, where people propose action only for it to be constantly opposed; polite compliance, where teams feel a need to agree but the agreement is superficial; or hidden opposition, where people agree in public but are doubtful or opposed to the idea in private.
We can help analyse team dynamics. We can look for patterns of common dysfunctions, or issues that are influencing the team’s ability to function, and then look for the causes of these dysfunctions.
We can look at the make-up of the team, and at what might lie behind behaviours and entrenched patterns – is there sufficient diversity, balance in attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to deliver on the team’s responsibilities?
We can carry out work to facilitate the freeing up of entrenched behaviours so that teams function better. We can gently help team members to see what might lie behind their attitudes and how they might perform better with slight tweaks to their normal modes of operating. We can support behavioural change in the difficult periods where old habits are dying and being replaced by new ones.
We can also help analyse fit within roles. Do the individuals in specific roles have the requisite attitudes, skills, knowledge and habits for their responsibilities?
We can help those who feel they might not quite fit their role to adapt or have their role adapted. We can help team leaders redraft the structure of the team or reengineer the systems that are running the team to help improve performance.
Whatever happens, you can be assured that we will listen and work towards developing a better functioning team, for improved performance and a more rewarding work experience.